Grandma Olson's (Jenny's) Recipe for Fruitcake

Here is a recipe for Fruitcake which Jenny shared with Pat Kutcher, and which Pat has not revealed to anyone since 1951! (Read Pat's letter and story about this recipe here.)


FRUIT CAKE - Jenny Ingeborg Olson (1887-1981) -- Received Oct 1951

1 cups of brown sugar

3/4 cup of butter

4 eggs

1/4 cup molasses

1 cup room temperature coffee - no sugar, no cream

3/4 cup wine or grape juice

1 teaspoon sugar

4 cups flour

2 teaspoons cinnamon

2 teaspoons cloves

2 teaspoons nutmeg

1 lb. raisins

1 lb. mixed glazed fruit

1 cup chopped nut meats


Cream butter, add brown sugar, then eggs one at a time. Add molasses, then coffee and wine. Then raisins and fruit. Sift together flour and spices, and add to wet ingredients about 2 cups at a time. Stir well after each addition. Alternate the flour and nuts.

Bake in slow oven in 2 loaves. Grease pans well and line with wax paper.

Oven temperature: 300 degrees.

Bake 2 hours. Test with toothpick in center of cake to come out dry.

P.S. If a pan of hot water is placed on the bottom rack of the oven, it will give the top of the cake a nice gloss.




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